Yeah!! First project of 2010 is now complete. Okay so maybe I started when I found out my sister in law was pregnant last February but I was in the mist of DIYing everything for my wedding and house hunting. So I didn't get as far as I wanted too. But here we are and Cheer Bear is complete.
So even though Christmas has past I am thinking of making an ornament for my niece. Any other suggestions?
Since I am back in cross stitching I decided to do a little networking and what better way than to participate in a Sal. I have never heard of a Sal before but hey it doesn't hurt to try. Here is a photo of my collection thus far.
Every New Moon you just post a photo on your blog of your "scrapes" or whatever happens to find its way in there. I am using a Salsa container. I figure I start on the smaller side. I have a few ideas of what my final piece will look like. If your interested in signing up check out
Yoyo's Blog.
On to my next oldie but goodie project. I started who knows when a bookmark of Tinkerbell. and didn't make it that far. To be honest I stopped cross stitch when I became engaged in 2007. Now that that's over with I can finish so much that I had started and hopefully a few more items.
Hope everyone had a great week!