Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where have I been?

Hi remember me, Shay!! I used to blog here and somehow lost my way. I wish I could give you a really juicy story as to where I have been but, sorry I don't.

My husband and I have added a new addition to the family

Nala is a 13 week old Peekapoo (Pekingese and Poodle mix) and boy oh boy is she a hand full. She definitely gives me a run for my money. Nala was not the only thing keeping me away from blogging.

Zowie my 8 year Maltepoo (Maltese and Poodle mix) had dental surgery which unfortunately lead to some complications so she lays next to me on a pillow while I squeeze some time in to stitch.

I did have time to stitch I decided to start a new section of a WIP

Not bad uh? I am not the biggest fan of hoops so I love working on my stand I find that I am more comfortable and feel more in control of my project.

My dad purchased this for me years ago at the Big E (Eastern Expo in Springfield, MA).

Here is a TUSAL update. Better late than never